Creating cultures of innovation

Spreading innovation principles and behaviours across your organisation

Today, the call to innovate is no longer restricted to a few specialists in an organisation - it has become everyone’s responsibility.  Yet it is an unfamiliar challenge for many colleagues with useful understanding and knowledge, who do not feel they have the experience, methods or permission to contribute. 

With our world-leading experience of innovation jams, we can show your people how it feels to innovate, and prove that they can generate useful ideas and prototypes which can make a difference. It can be a culture-changing experience, and we can help you Jam with a small team or a global organisation.

“One of the best days in my 19 years with the company” - senior managers

Beside our experience with hundreds of locations and thousands of Jammers at the Global Jams we have created, we also use Jamming techniques and formats in innovation and culture projects with companies, as well as in the public sector.

Talk to us and find out how you can use Jams as an efficient change or innovation tool within you organisation.

Clients include

_Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Federal Government of Australia).
_adidas (in cooperation with Fab Lab Region Nürnberg)

Global Jam experience

_Global Service Jam 2011, 2012 and 2013
_Global Sustainability Jam 2011 and 2012
_Various review events (JamJams) 
_Global GovJam 2012 and 2013

Possible formats:

_Micro  jams
_1-2 day jam events
_single-/multi-location jams
_jam facilitation workshops